The Methodology and Principle of "User First"

You've probably heard about "mobile first", "content first", "design first", etc. But have you heard about "user first"? I think it's the most important principle of all.

"User First" is a methodology and principle where you put the user first in everything you do.

  • Wondering about creating a new feature? Ask your users.
  • Wondering what could bring your user's friend to your platform? Ask your users.
  • Wondering what could make your user not using your platform anymore? Ask your users.

You get the idea.

So why some businesses continue to do the opposite? Why some businesses continue to do what they think is best for their users without asking them? Sometimes it can a business think they know better what users want.

I sometimes hear "our users don't know what they want, they always complain...". Well, if they complain, it's because they want something else.

User needs creates businesses and businesses create user needs. It's a virtuous circle. If you don't listen to your users, you will lose them. And not excuses will make up for failing to listen to them.


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